
Creation and objectives of the National Land Registry

10 Nov 2023

With Law 4512/FEK5/A/17.1.2018[1] a public law legal entity {N.P.D.D.} was established under the name Hellenic Land Registry, which is supervised by the Minister of Digital Governance[2] with the aim of “ensuring the reliability, publicity and availability of spatial and legal data concerning immovable property and ensuring public trust and security of transactions”.


The Object of the Hellenic Land Registry Agency is precisely defined in article 1 of Law 4512/2018, among other things the object of the agency is:

  • the compilation, maintenance, updating and operation of the National Land Registry, in accordance with what is defined in laws 2308/1995 and 2664/1998.
  • the observance, updating and operation of the Transfers and Mortgages system, in accordance with what is defined in c.d. 19/23.7.1941 (A΄ 244), as amended by n.d. 811/19.1.1971 (A’ 9), as well as paragraph 2 of article 8 of Law 510/1974 (A’ 298), in the areas where the operation of the National Land Registry has not been extended and until the completion of the land registration of the entire country.

-keeping and managing the files of the Transfers and Mortgages system.

  • the organization and maintenance of digital geospatial data bases.”

a) The Management of cadastral databases in electronic or analogue format and a file of products available to every interested party[3],

The Hellenic Land Registry was universally succeeded by law 4512/2018 under the name ETHNIKO KTIMATOLOGIO S.A. in all the responsibilities, rights, obligations and other legal relationships of EKXA S.A. which was established by virtue of Law 1647/1986 under the name Organization of Land and Mapping of Greece {OKXE}[4] subsequently by Law 2308/1995 the cadastral procedure up to the first registrations was specified, with n. 2664/1998 the land registry law as supplemented by n. 3127/2003 and n. 4164/2013.

With the same Law n. 4512/2018, the gradual abolition of the Mortgage Offices and Land Registry Offices was foreseen, which from their abolition onward will be transferred to the Agency.

With the completion of the abolition of local land offices and mortgage offices {salaried and unpaid}[5] the Agency in question will include 17 Land Offices and 75 Branches.


The organization of the State Mortgage Offices and their subject matter is defined by the decree no. of 19/23-7-1941 and Laws 434/1937, 1933/1939, 2182/1940, 2532/1940, 325/1976 while the appointment of the Mortgage Wardens by the 616/1981 and the recruitment of staff from n.d 811/1971 in combination with n.4055/2012 and KYA 37480/2012.

By virtue of the aforementioned legislative acts, the Mortgage Offices were divided into salaried and unpaid, with salaried offices in areas with more than 40,000 inhabitants. The employees of the salaried Offices were considered judicial officials and occupied positions of a personal character under public law, as well as the chief mortgage keepers of both salaried and unpaid mortgage registrars who, according to article 92 p.3 and 4 of the Civil Code, were permanent holding the position in the capacity of a judicial officer until they reach the age of 70 years subject to the existence of the relevant posts and services. As for the employees of the unpaid mortgage repositories, they were hired by the mortgagee with a private law employment relationship of indefinite duration.

From the combination of the provisions of Articles 17, 24, 92 and 94 of the Constitution, it follows that the protection of the individual right to property is ensured by the operation of mortgage repositories as public services responsible for keeping public books in which real rights are registered {registration and publicity of real real estate rights) and for this reason the said services – either as public services in the operational sense in the case of salaried mortgage repositories or as public services by concession in the case of unpaid mortgage repositories – fall under the responsibility of the judiciary as services dependent on the judicial authorities and are units – services of the Ministry of Justice.

The object of the respective Mortgage Registry, depending on its local jurisdiction, was indicatively, the registration and transcription of notarial acts, registration of lawsuits, final court decisions, pre-notations, mortgages, applications for cancellation of mortgages, removal of foreclosures, auctions, issuance of copies of contracts and other acts registered in the books of the mortgage office and granting of relevant certificates.

After the cadastral registration and the finalization of the relevant declarative acts of cadastral registration of the OKXE, the Land Offices that were created with their headquarters in the local mortgage registries made the first entries in their cadastral books of the properties that were cadastral.

Based on these, each property is depicted in the cadastral charts and is displayed with an exclusive code number on the ground.

Since the entry into force of the Land Registry, in each of the areas registered under Law 2308/1995, the existing system of transfers and mortgages has been replaced and all legal and technical details, rights and encumbrances of real estate as well as every administrative act and decision that defines and brings about a change in these real estates, while the first registrations can be contested under the provisions of Law 2664/1998, on a case-by-case basis, either before the Court under regular or voluntary jurisdiction {article 6 par.2 and 3 of Law 2664/98} or by requesting the correction of an apparent error before the head of the Land Registry Office {article 18 of Law 2664/1998}. These registrations are finalized after an irrevocable court decision or the decision of the superior[6].

The salaried or unpaid mortgage registrars whose local jurisdiction falls within the cadastral areas operate as cadastral offices[7] while the books kept by the competent mortgage registrar have the status of a file which is kept and issues relevant certificates while being used as a basis for correcting errors that have occurred in initial registrations until their finalization.

According to article 3 of Law 2664/98, the Heads of the Land Registry Offices are public officials, while their staff may be employed under private law[8].


The basis of the transfer system was person-centered, while the cadastral system was property-centered, for this reason it requires the drawing up, maintenance and constant updating of cadastral charts.

In this context, an alphabetical index of names based on the changing owners was kept in the mortgage registry, while the real estate is based on the real estate, each of which has its own exclusive K.A.E.K. number in the cadastral charts with the aim not only of formal publicity but also of substantive which more effectively protects the bona fide trader. Furthermore, Law 2664/1998 does not in any way affect the applicable provisions of substantive law regarding the method of acquisition of real rights, but it has a declaratory nature with regard to the first registrations until they are finalized.

The cadastral registration system ensures the legality of titles and the necessary elements of real estate, the definitive and undisputed recording and vesting of citizens’ ownership by recording the geographical description of the property by location, shape and size, records rights by usufruct, ensures transparency, time priority, the principle of publicity by registering every right and its change in the cadastral books, public trust as the spatial mapping of properties increases legal certainty, defends the public interest more effectively, strengthens the security of transactions, it secures public property, protects the environment from encroachment of forest areas and coastal areas, reduces bureaucracy and finally is a fundamental tool for rational organization and development.

In addition, the digitization of the procedures and their electronic recording and publication indisputably ensures transparency while facilitating the citizen as well as the investor. {article 2 of n2664/1998}.

An important parameter in this respect is the recent affiliation and transfer of the body from the Ministry of Environment and Energy to the Ministry of Digital Governance as well as the Law 4727/2020 on digital governance which are applied in full to all the procedures it follows as well as the services it offers the carrier[9].

  1. Organization chart of the Central Service of the Greek Land Registry in accordance with the provisions of Law 4512/2018
  2. Organization chart of Regional Services of the Hellenic Land Registry

Pursuant to decision no. 139/9/13-5-2021 of the Board of Directors. of the Agency Hellenic Land Registry and by virtue of the provisions of Law 4512/2018[10] the special unpaid mortgage office of Kalamata was abolished on 26-5-2021 as well as the mortgage offices of Pamisos and Avia which were brought under the N.P.D.D -Forea- with the name “Hellenic Land Registry” as a branch of the cadastral office of Peloponnese[11] and headquartered in Kalamata.

With the abolition of the mortgage office pursuant to Law 4512/2018, the special unpaid Mortgagee was joined as head of the Branch, with an organic position and a public law employment relationship in the PE category[12], while the former private employees who had been hired with a private law relationship acquire based of the provisions of Law 4512/2018 article 20[13], the status of a civil servant with a private employment relationship of indefinite duration.

Before the abolition of the special unpaid mortgage office, the Kalamata mortgage office and land office belonged to the Ministry of Justice and consisted of the Head of the Kalamata Land Office as a special unpaid mortgage office and two employees with a private law employment relationship of indefinite duration.

The employees of the service did not have specific tasks determined based on an organizational service plan, but were subject to the general orders of the superior, with the result that there is no planning in terms of their procedures and processing.

A consequence of the absence of an organizational structure in the service, planning procedures and defining responsibilities and duties among employees was not only the malfunctioning of the service and inefficiency, but also serious problems in dealing with the public.

The problems faced by the service due to the absence of planning procedures and separation of responsibilities were summarized:

  • Delays in the transcription of notarial acts, in the issuance of decisions on requests for manifest errors of law 2664/98 article 18, in the issuance of certificates as, due to the lack of division of labor and procedures, the entire process in all its steps from the filing to the entry had to go through the supervisor’s control
  • Problems and frictions with the trading public both due to tardiness and dysfunctionality caused by the absence of division of duties between employees.
  • Lack of coordination and efficiency which created problems in staff relations.
  • Increase in staff from 2 to 5 {as 3 additional employees came from the land office of Pamisos and Avias which was abolished} under the supervision of the supervisor
  • Specific division of work and duties between employees.
  • Separation of procedures
  • Strict organizational design {each employee is trained and required to perform a specific action with a specific object and produce a specific result by following certain steps}.
  • Digitization of procedures {for this reason the body was transferred to the supervision of the Ministry of Digital Governance}
  • Ability to issue relevant certificates online – Ability to check titles in the cadastral books and electronically. The digitization of the relevant processes has contributed decisively to the decongestion of the service as it has limited the number of the trading public.
  • Digital modernization of the procedures with the possibility of notaries to register the notarial deeds electronically and lawyers to check the land registers electronically.



In the Kalamata branch, the coordination, supervision and control of the procedures belongs to the Head of the Service.

The five employees who currently staff the service have distinct duties and positions. Each of them has a specific functional activity, which is a part of the project to be produced.

The separation of processes and their division into work areas is in full functional relevance as each process performed by a different employee [output} is a prerequisite for the next process to be performed by the other employee [input} to perform it {output} Efficiently.


  1. Registration of the main service objects of the “FRONT DESK”.


Receives all transactions registered in the cadastral records as provided for and specified in article 12 of Law 2664/1998, specifically:

A} those referred to in article 1192 of the Civil Code par. 1 no. 1 real legal acts by which a real right to real property is established, transferred or abolished, such as, for example, purchase, donation, parental benefit,

B) the acts referred to in article 1192A.K par.1 no.2 such as endorsements, expropriations, implementation acts, summaries of the endorsement report.

C} those referred to in article 1192A.K par.1 sec. 4, 5 final court decisions.

D} according to articles 220 of the Civil Code, lawsuits and objections of article 6 of law 2664/1998.

E} the long-term leases of article 618 and 1208 of the Civil Code and the financial leases of Law 1665/86 as amended by Law 2367/1995.

applications for the correction of an apparent error pursuant to article 18 of Law 2664/1998.

applications for temporary contract registration in the procedure of provision 7a of Law 2664/98

applications for the correction of geometrical errors pursuant to article 19 par.2 of Law 2664/1998.

applications for issuing certificates from the land registry or the mortgage office.

applications for the issuance of cadastral maps and sheets, cadastral maps.


Checks in accordance with the provisions of articles 14 and 16 of Law 2664/1998,

receives the completeness of the applications

the completeness of the documents and attached supporting documents presented in the notarial acts and the correctness of the transcription summary,

the completeness and correctness of the documents submitted for the registration of registrable acts such as court decisions and pleadings and subsequently the completeness of the summary of the registrable act in question,

the completeness and correctness of applications for the issuance of relevant certificates and cadastral sheets, diagrams, etc.,

checks the completeness of requests for proof of errors and requests for correction of geometric elements and the completeness of the cited documents that should be submitted in these requests in order to be accepted in accordance with the provisions of articles 18, 19 par. 2, 14 and 16 of the law. 2664/1998.


Calculates the rights in accordance with the provisions of Law 4512/2018 and Law 2664/98 article 4 and 22 and 23 as specified by K.Y.A.30864/30-7-2003 {Government Gazette B 1074/1- 8-2003} AND 1065956/863/A0006/15-7-2003 {Government Gazette 985/B/2003 regarding the issuance of cadastral sheets and diagrams. regarding the proportional fees paid for the registration of deeds in the cadastral sheets and the issuance of relevant certificates, the fixed and proportional fees and the rights foreseen to be paid in favor of EKXA S.A., OKXE S.A., the Hellenic State and mortgage repositories {whatever have not yet been abolished are determined accordingly by a network of provisions of laws and ministerial decisions which are detailed in articles 5, 6, 7, and 8 of Law 4512/2018 Law 325/1976/Government Gazette A [14]}.



cadastral charts and sheets, Cadastral charts in accordance with article 22 of n2664/1998 as the cadastral offices must grant certificates, copies, excerpts from the cadastral sheets to anyone who has submitted a relevant application either in person or with a representative.

certificates requested pursuant to articles 14, 15, 16 and 22 of Law 2664/1998, Certificates of transfer, ownership, encumbrances, non-claims, seizures, from the cadastral books and from the relevant books of the mortgage office after carrying out a relevant portion control.

In accordance with article 9 of Law 4512/2018, an electronic book is kept, Diary of incoming transactions and a book of requests for the issuance and granting of certificates, copies and extracts where the relevant requests are registered on the same day according to the principle of time priority[15].

Then all the documents are recorded by the protocol office and the amounts calculated by the front desk are paid

  1. Description of the basic procedures


In order to register a court decision at the Kalamata land office, the Applicant, through his attorney, must submit to the FRONT DESK a set of documents which must be included in accordance with the provisions of Laws 5412/2018 and 2664/1998.

application for registration of a registrable deed[16].

summary of registration of registrable deed[17]

certified copy of the court decision to be registered

report of service of judgment

certificate of finality of the decision from the competent court

cadastral chart of the property for which registration is requested

This is followed by a check of the completeness and correctness of documents and supporting documents and the calculation of fees. The process diagrammatically follows the following steps:




Every Organization is a set of institutions, structures, instruments and processes that aims to produce results.

People, knowledge, infrastructures, collaborations are designed and organized in such a way as to serve in the best and most efficient way the aims and objectives which the organization is called to fulfill as well as the reasons for which it was created.

Considering that every organization operates in an environment with which it interacts while it is composed of human groups – personnel who come into contact with society, the organization should be designed in such a way as to balance conflicting interests and oppositions of human subsets, to respond in the best way to their needs but also to the external effects of the environment, achieving its goals in the best and most efficient way.

In this context, it is appropriate to distinguish between public and private organizations, which, although they have many common points, mainly in terms of human resources management and organization, have important exclusions in terms of their motivations and goals, as their operation aims to serve of the public interest by ensuring the well-being and rights of citizens. For this reason, the Rule of Law requires public organizations as bodies exercising public authority to operate and develop their activities in accordance with the principle of legality and in the public interest, as public organizations do not pursue profitability but cover social needs and produce useful social goods.

The need to balance conflicting interests, legitimacy and efficiency in favor of the public interest dictates the rational and realistic organization of every public organization. For this reason, public organizations in principle operate on the basis of the law and a certain institutional framework. However, as in any organization, a key element for its effectiveness is the correct planning and organization – horizontal and vertical of all processes and their smooth operation as a whole.

Correct planning requires:



Of needs            Special problems

Analysis {all data – survey ]


Of objects – units of competence

Planning methods-procedures

Actions – Steps for each activity

In this context, each workplace should have:

specific object

to be responsible for a specific result

to be called upon to take a specific action

have the required skills, knowledge and experience and training

To be provided by a certain institutional framework

To function and cooperate properly both with the internal environment and human subsets of the organization as well as with the external environment / the citizens – business audience.

The operation of the Kalamata branch within the framework of the new body of the Hellenic Land Registry is:

Straighter, more efficient and more transparent than the previous regime.

Procedures are completed after a clear division of responsibilities between employees, ensuring correctness and speed in transactions.

The new regime is digitized, which facilitates both transactions with the public and remote transactions.

In a very short time, the Greek Land Registry is promoting a new culture in dealings with the public, which is very different from the one adopted by the previous regime, which was in no way automated and standardized.

Nevertheless, the modernization of the procedures and their digitization, which is promoted at a rapid pace by the Agency, creates some problems that it is appropriate to underline and concern transactions with the public.

Citizens, especially those who are older, often find it difficult to complete the relevant applications while they cannot easily respond to the new digital regime, resulting in very frequent friction with the public.

In the past, the employee used to serve the customer by offering and helping him to fill out the relevant applications and documents, while today the organization wants the employee to be distant [this practice should be avoided according to the organization’s guidelines to the employees who staff the service} .

In addition, the services are no longer used to communicate by phone but only by e-mail, a process with which older people are not yet familiar.

Another problem that is observed is that under the previous regime the mortgagor had the responsibility of purchasing consumables, while now this responsibility falls to the institution. This fact creates problems which, while simple, cannot be solved as easily with consequences unfavorable to the operation of the service eg lack of infrastructure such as for example adequate facilities to meet the requirements of the service.

These problems can be solved with a better central redesign that will include:

the recruitment of additional employees so that it is possible to provide assistance and information to the traders.

Measures for a smooth transition from the old to the new regime, both inter-service and transactional.

Employee training seminars.

Anticipating and defining procedures that will facilitate and respond directly to the needs of the service {eg consumables needs}.

After studying the particular needs of the branch based on the volume of transactions and the staff it has, in order to accordingly design a comprehensive strategy for managing the service’s processes.


Positive negative

-Efficiency                                   -Not all citizens

-Transparency familiar with the new

-Digitization regime.

-Facilitation -Problems in the transaction

-Speed with the common ground of not understanding

  • Reduction of friction and information.

-Electronic version – Consumables problems

-Reduction of bureaucracy in the service.


Positives> Negatives

Nevertheless, they are deemed necessary:

Identifying, recording and dealing with the problems and operational needs of the service from the bottom up, as the organization is new and the transition from the previous regime should be as smooth as possible, both in terms of staff the service but also for the trading public, which is called upon to adapt to the new data and the new culture of reforms of the institution’s new institutional regime.


1) Adamopoulos G., 2010, Mortgage Offices – Real Estate, Athens 2010.

2) Argyriou Dimitrios, 2008, Land Law, Law Library, Athens.

3) Doris F.- Kitsaras L., 2008, Land Code, Sakkoulas Publications, Athens 2008.

4) Georgiadis A.-Stathopoulos M., 1998, Civil Code – interpretation by article, Sakkoulas Publications, Athens.

5) Magoulas G, 2007, Land registrations, Sakkoula publications, Athens – Thessaly.

6) Spyridakis I/ Spyridakis M., 2016, Land Law, Sakkoula Publications, Athens 2016.

7) Collected work, 2009, Tsekos Th, New Public Administration, corporate responsibility and civil society, Proceedings of the 2nd Conference of Administrative Scientists, edited by Pravita M., Sakkoulas publications, Athens 2009.


Law 4512/2018 Official Gazette 5/A/17-1-2018

Law 1647/1986 Official Gazette A 141/19-9-1986

Law 2308/1995 Official Gazette A 114/15-6-1995

Law 2664/1998 Official Gazette A’275/3-12-1998

Law 3127/2003 Official Gazette A’67/19-3-2003

Law 4164/2013.

4727/2020 Official Gazette A 184/23-9-2020



Supreme Court of Justice 1757/2019

Council of State Department C’ 218/2019

[1] The joint-stock company with the name “NATIONAL LAND CATALOG AND MAPPING Joint-stock Company”, was incorporated under the no. 81706/6085/1995 decision of the Ministers of National Economy, Finance and Environment, Spatial Planning and Public Works (Β΄872), which was issued under the authority of par.1 of article 14 of Law 2308/1995 (Α΄114) and renamed as above with the second paragraph of par.1 of article 1 of Law 4164/2013 (Α΄156), is repealed without being liquidated and deleted from the General Commercial Register (G.E.MH.) of Law 3419 /2005 (A΄ 297).

[2] Presidential Decree “Transfer of services and responsibilities between Ministries and renaming of General Secretariats” Official Gazette No. A/3/6-1-2021.

[3] As amended by Par.1 Article 135 LAW 4759/2020 effective 9/12/2020

[4] with the aim of compiling, maintaining and updating the single evidentiary Cadastre of Greece, the geoethical coverage and mapping of the country, the inventory and mapping of its natural resources and the creation of a data bank of land and environment.

[5] 390 Mortgage Offices throughout the Greek Territory.

[6] The data entered in the cadastral sheets refer to article 11.par.4 of Law 2664/98.

[7] each cadastral office is locally responsible for the cadastral registrations concerning the properties of its area, while the area is defined by joint ministerial decision of article 13 of law 2308/1995 [article 5 of law 2664/1998}

[8] in accordance with the implementation of the decree no. 19/23-7-1941 while in accordance with article 23 of the law 2664/98 during the transitional period. period the staff of the Ministries covers the permanent and permanent staff needs of the cadastral offices with the applicable legal relationships.

[9] Article 17 Electronic circulation of public documents within the same body Article 18 Electronic circulation of public documents between public bodies Article 19 Electronic protocol. Article 20, Electronic filing. Article 21, Statistical data processing CHAPTER VI PROVISION OF DIGITAL PUBLIC SERVICES SINGLE DIGITAL PORTAL OF THE PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION. Article 22, Provision of digital public services. Article 23, Rules for the provision of new digital public services and the modification of digital public services.

[10] The responsibilities of the Land Registry Offices are exercised: a) in the area of local jurisdiction of the corresponding Land Registry Office or Mortgage Office of their headquarters which is repealed by paragraph 7 of article 1 N4512/2018, b) in the area of local jurisdiction of each Branch that falls under this in accordance with par. 2 hereof, as will be defined by the decision of par. 7 of article 1, and c) in the area of local competence of the abolished Mortgage Offices whose competence is transferred directly to the Land Office with the publication of the decision of par. 7 of article 1.

[11] Each Land Registry Office is organized and operates at Directorate level and is structured in Departments as follows: a) Legal Department, b) Technical Department and c) Administrative and Financial Support Department, d) Branches. Article 17 of n4512/2018.

[12] Article 18 of Law 4512/2018: Ninety-two (92) organizational positions of Heads of Land Registry Offices and their Branches, PE category, with a public law employment relationship are recommended to the Agency. The positions are allocated one by one to each Land Office and Land Office Branch, as provided for in paragraph 2 of article 15, and are included in a special branch of Heads of Land Offices and Land Office Branches established by this law in the Agency. For the selection and placement in the positions of responsibility in paragraph 1, the following qualifications are cumulatively required: a) Law degree. b) Good knowledge of at least one of the languages English, French or German, in accordance with what is defined in article 28 of the p.d. 50/2001 (Α΄39).c) Practicing as a lawyer or notary, or previous service in the legal department or in a legal department of the Agency’s Land Registry Office, for a total of fifteen years. As repealed by Par. 2 Article 74 LAW 4685/2020 with effective 7/5/2020. Upon the first implementation of this law, the positions of paragraph 1 are covered as follows: a) by the Heads and, where they are absent, by their legal deputies, of the abolished salaried Mortgage Registries, as long as they have not submitted an application for reclassification as defined in paragraph 4 of article 20, and b) by the special unpaid Mortgagors if they submit a relevant application to the Agency within an exclusive period of one (1) month from the invitation of the next paragraph. The Agency sends, within a period of one (1) month from the publication of this, to the serving unpaid Mortgagee, an invitation to submit an application for transfer and joining the Agency. The inclusion of special unpaid mortgage guards in official rank is carried out by decision of the Board of Directors. of the Body, in accordance with the provisions of articles 80 and 82 of the Code of Status of Public Political Servants and Employees of the N.P.D.D. (Law 3528/2007, as applicable). The service of the above in the positions of unpaid Mortgagee is considered as a real public service for every legal consequence. In the positions of paragraph 1, as defined in the decision of paragraph 7 of article 1, any of the persons in cases a’ and b’ of the first paragraph of this paragraph who served in the abolished, salaried or unpaid, mortgage office of the headquarters of the Land Registry Office shall be placed in the positions or the Branch.

[13] In the positions of paragraph 1 of article 17, with the publication of this law, the indefinite-term private law personnel who serve at EKXA S.A. are transferred. at the time of its publication, as long as it possesses the standard recruitment qualifications of the sector, the educational level and the specialty of the respective positions. For the transfer of the previous paragraph, the additional appointment qualification of par. 1 of article 27 of the p.d. is not required. 50/2001. For the inclusion of the staff of the first paragraph, a declaratory decision of the Board of Directors is issued. of the Body, with which it is also classified in points, in accordance with the provisions of articles 80 and 82 of the Code of Status of Public Political Administrative Officers and Employees of the N.P.D.D. ratified by the first article of Law 3528/2007, as amended by paragraph 2 of Article 25 of Law 4369/2016. For the classification, the service time of the staff as recognized by EKXA S.A.2 is taken into account. Private law personnel of indefinite duration who may not be included in the positions of paragraph 1 of article 17, are classified by decision of the Board of Directors. of the Body in personal positions with a private law relationship of indefinite duration, which are recommended by the same decision and are abolished by the departure of those who hold them in any way.

[14] articles 3,5,12 of n325/1976,2308/1995 article 2, 2408/1996, 3481/2006 article 1, 2844/2000 article 19, 2915/2001, 3226/2004 article 17, 2145/1993 article 20, 3472/2006 and were specified by ministerial decisions 59341/80, 28689/85, 43319/1988, 79999/1990, 71670/97, 150525/2002, 71670/92.

In particular: The fixed and proportional fees, as well as the rights or fines or other revenues that are expected to be paid in favor of EKXA SA. or OKXE, or the Greek State, in accordance with paragraphs 8 and 10 of article 2 of Law 2308/1995 (A’ 114), paragraph 2 of Article 18 of Law 3212/2003 (A’ 308), as amended by par. 2 of article 10 of law 3481/2006, article 1 of law 3481/2006 (Α΄ 162), case d’ of par. 2 of article 1 of law 4164/2013 ( A’ 156), par. 2 of article 4, paragraphs 1 and 4 of article 14, paragraph 2 of article 22, case d’ of paragraph 5 and case c of par. 6 of article 23 of the 2664/1998, as replaced by articles 2 and 3 of Law 4164/2013, the 41030/2.9.2014 decision of the Ministers of Finance, Environment, Energy and Climate Change and Justice, Transparency and Human Rights (Β΄ 2397), 11907/16.3.2009 joint decision of the Ministers of Economy and Finance, Environment, Spatial Planning and Public Works (Β΄ 573) and par. 5 of article 3A of law 4354/2015 (A΄ 176), as added by par. 2 of article 70 of Law 4389/2016 (A΄94), constitute revenues of the Agency and are paid in favor of it. The fixed and proportional fees and rights that are foreseen to be paid in favor of the Hellenic State, the salaried Mortgagee, the salaried Mortgage Offices, the executors or substitutes in the projects of Mortgagee, Notaries or Peacekeepers and the TA.XD.I.K., with the provisions:

a) of Law 325/1976 (Α΄125), as amended and in force, and of the regulatory decisions issued pursuant to its authorization,

b) of paragraph 5 of article 19 of Law 2844/2000 (Α΄220), which was added by paragraph 6 of Law 2915/2001 (Α΄109),

c) of article 17 of Law 3226/2004 (A΄24) and

d) of Article 20 of Law 2145/1993 (Α΄88), are repealed and replaced by the fees in favor of the Agency and the returns in favor of TA.XD.I.K Article 6 of Law 5412/20218 As amended by Article 58 LAW 4602/2019 in force on 9/3/2019

Issuance of certificates of cadastral charts and sheets For the issuance of a certificate from the books, a fixed fee of nine euros and fifty cents (9.50) is paid. When more than one certificate for the same title is granted with the same application, a fixed fee of six euros and fifty cents (6.50) is paid for each additional certificate. When the certificate is granted by submitting an application for registration of a deed, a fixed fee of six euros and fifty cents (6.50) is paid for each certificate.

1a. A fixed fee of nine euros and fifty cents (9.50) is paid for the granting of a certificate of land registration, object (property) or person (natural or legal entity) from the cadastral registers. When the issued certificate contains more than one section of registrable rights by transfer from the cadastral sheet, where these are illustrated according to article 11 of Law 2664/1998 (A΄ 275), a fixed fee of four euros and fifty cents (4.50) is paid for every other than one unit.

Article 7 of Law 4512/2018 and Article 58 of Law 4602/2019 with effect from 9/3/2019

Issuance of certificates of cadastral charts and sheets For the issuance of a certificate from the books, a fixed fee of nine euros and fifty cents (9.50) is paid. When more than one certificate for the same title is granted with the same application, a fixed fee of six euros and fifty cents (6.50) is paid for each additional certificate. When the certificate is granted by submitting an application for registration of a deed, a fixed fee of six euros and fifty cents (6.50) is paid for each certificate.

1a. A fixed fee of nine euros and fifty cents (9.50) is paid for the granting of a certificate of land registration, object (property) or person (natural or legal entity) from the cadastral registers. When the issued certificate contains more than one section of registrable rights by transfer from the cadastral sheet, where these are illustrated according to article 11 of Law 2664/1998 (A΄ 275), a fixed fee of four euros and fifty cents (4.50) is paid for every other than one unit.

Article 7 of Law 4512/2018 and Article 58 of Law 4602/2019 with effect from 9/3/2019

[15] The “Calendar of Incoming Transactions”, the “Book of Requests for the Issuance and Grant of Certificates, Copies and Excerpts” and the other cadastral books and diagrams that are intended to be kept electronically in the Cadastre Offices, in accordance with the provisions of article 3 of n 2664/1998, for the cadastral areas of their territorial jurisdiction.

[16] where he will fill in the full details, the right, the natural person for whom the registration is requested and the property’s C.A.E.K.

[17] which refers to the deed – judicial decision – which is requested to be registered with all the details of the deed, the applicant, the defendant, the property, the operative part of the decision

[1] The joint-stock company with the name “NATIONAL LAND CATALOG AND MAPPING Joint-stock Company”, was incorporated under the no. 81706/6085/1995 decision of the Ministers of National Economy, Finance and Environment, Spatial Planning and Public Works (Β΄872), which was issued under the authority of par.1 of article 14 of Law 2308/1995 (Α΄114) and renamed as above with the second paragraph of par.1 of article 1 of Law 4164/2013 (Α΄156), is repealed without being liquidated and deleted from the General Commercial Register (G.E.MH.) of Law 3419 /2005 (A΄ 297).

[2] Presidential Decree “Transfer of services and responsibilities between Ministries and renaming of General Secretariats” Official Gazette No. A/3/6-1-2021.

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